brandingDeveloping your brand results in a brand that is more valuable to your customer base. That additional value allows you to charge more while growing a larger and more loyal following.

Build your brand through this four step process which can be incorporated into your current marketing activities.


  1. Develop the category in which you, and only you are the best. You’ll be surprised to find that the category already exists. You just haven’t claimed your position atop it.
  2. Sell the category, not your product. Convince your audience of the fact that they need a solution to the category at which you are best.
  3. Introduce yourself as the solution to that category.
  4. Provide news about the category, excitement at introducing a solution, and directions on solving it with every audience contact to make yourself, and their path to happiness clear.

Do this with every audience contact and make their path to happiness clear.

I am happy to share this plan, because it takes a true marketer to properly implement it, to fight for it over time, and to measure every contact against this plan. After all, a pro golfer can tell you how to hit a golf ball too, but you are better off having him do if you want the best results.

What are you waiting for? Do I really have to come out and tell you to call  us at (773) 253-4954,
or write so we can discuss how to implement the program into your organization?